Jan 4, 2014

Who's Leaving?

Good article about the post game locker room scene, including info on each of the players leaving, deciding, etc.

Seniors / Done with Eligibility

Skov, Murphy, Gaffney, Gardner, Hewitt
McFadden (has another year, but leaving to be on political trail with Dad), Mauro,


Tarpley, Reynolds, Yankey

LSJUMB - Snapchat at Rose Bowl

“The hot trend of 2014 is going to be Secret Text. The perfect blend of Snapchat and Twitter, it allows you to send messages to your friends visible for milliseconds, leaving them with only a vague idea of what you were trying to say.”

Band got in the formation of the Snapchat logo, then changed away soon after, only leaving it there for a few seconds.  

Stanford band Rose Bowl 2014 halftime show


Side note: some new drummers this year:

  • Skateboard drummer
  • Flat sign drummer

Jan 1, 2014

ROSE BOWL! Stanford 20 - Michigan State 24

100th Rose Bowl.  Stanford was in the 1st one in 1902, against Michigan.  We conceded in the 3rd quarter when down 49-0.  We've come a long way...

Took Connor this time.  He's wanted to go to the BCS games the past 3 years, but it's SO expensive.  This time, we surprised him with a Christmas present.

Took the whole family to the pep rally - Santa Monica Pier on Dec 30.  The extra night before gave us a chance to head out there from the desert, and then all head home.  Then Connor and I drove up to Pasadena the day of the game.

Pep Rally
Pretty fun. Got there early (3pm) for the 630p rally. First bunch of fans got free unlimited rides.  Shopped at their remote "bookstore", couple shirts, etc.  Rode the roller coaster (Ben chickened out), then the ferris wheel (Ben reluctant, but then liked it).  Dinner, then the rally.  Started with a chalk talk, which bored the crap out of Avery and Ben, then bunch of short speakers (Josh Childress, Mark Madsen from hoops, 4 captains from football: Gardner, Murphy, Yankey, Skov.

Left home at 530am. Parked at LA Union Station, and took metro (gold line) up to Pasadena (Memorial Park station).  Dumps out a couple blocks north of the parade route.  Arrived there about 8:10am. Took the opportunity to show Connor what the parade is all about.  Crowded of course, walked along Colorado Blvd to find spots to peek through the 4-6 deep.  Saw the first half or so of the parade, through the 2 bands, Stanford second, then started heading towards the Rose Bowl.

They run shuttles from the Parsons Engineering building near the metro station, but they don't start until 10am, and have a pretty good line.  Not TOO far to walk.  Through the super plush housing of the Aroyo Seco area. Took about 25 mins to walk, past the stadium after a few pics and to straight to the Stanford tailgate.

Similar to last year's, but a bit more organized.  Better food situation (they didn't run out), only let you go through one time.  Lots of other snack booths, "free" drinks.  Hung at the 90s tables with Andrew, Ekstrand, Asper, Kelly Leonard, Michele Birch, Katie Henry, Keith Hennessey, etc.  Saw Tom Huckaby and his clan.  Connor rolled with it, obviously not knowing anybody other than Andrew, but hung nicely.

UGH!  A lot like last year, we started strong, scoring on our first drive.  Slowly but surely though, momentum changed, we kept trying to run and getting stuffed.  MSU was also doing a lot of running, but getting 6-10 years per carry while we were only getting 2-4.  Lots of discussion of David Shaw's conservative play calling, especially on the last drive with couple minutes left, all 3 run plays, then 4th and 1, another run.

Seats were pretty sweet, although a bit low.  Pretty flat viewing angle, so watched some on the scoreboard instead, but had great views of the bench activity.
Section 4, row 2, 45 yard line.

95,173 people.

Post Game
Stayed quite long to watch the band, and hoping to wait out the crowd getting on shuttles back to metro station.  Problem was, MSU fans stayed for their band performance too.  Line for the shuttles was ridiculously long, so we walked it.  Back to car at Union Station, then drive to our hotel (Days Inn, Santa Monica) a couple miles from the team hotel.

Total walking (according to fitbit): 17,000+ steps, ~9 miles.

Really tired, had some food at nearby pub, then rallied to go to team hotel.  Connor wanted to get some autographs from the players.  Andrew is staying at the team hotel, and was telling us the players were there and available.  Connor worked with Kelly Leonard's boys to get some sigs on the small football.

Skov, Gardner, Hewitt, Murphy, Gaffney, ...

Home the next morning.

MSU Associations

  • Casey Logan of course is Michigan, but he was rooting for MSU.  Says they're not as much of a rival as Ohio State, and wants Big 10 Rose Bowl win.
  • Jim Babcock, Jim Vecchio - both went to MSU
  • Mr. Devich (Pac Rim principal) - didn't go there, but huge fan, relatives did.  Bet coffee with him.